Over the Wall (Animated Short Film)

An animated short film made by 7 other people and myself over the course of 7 weeks based on storyboards by Clare Korten and the original comic by Gary Larson.

I was responsible for designing various character designs, turnarounds and lip-syncs for the first 3 weeks of production.

Additionally, I was one of the animators responsible for doing key, roughs, and final animations in 2D using Toon Boom Harmony.

Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop, Procreate, Toon Boom Harmony


Over the Wall—Full Short


Over the Wall—Scenes Responsible For


Designs Created

Credits (Thank you everyone!)

Kacie Cunningham - Director, Animator

Michaela Shearin - Data Administrator, Animator

Meriel Khristyuchenk - Story Reel Artist, Lead Animator

Matthew Cowley - Concept Artist, Animator

Liam Schallock - Sound Designer, Animator

Eori Tokunaga - Lead Concept Artist, Animator

Eric Hanson - Concept Artist, Animator

Nicole Jackson - 3D Generalist

Voice Actors: Serge Tsvirinko as Swimmy and Ian Kukharets as Big Fish

Storyboards by Clare Korten

Original Comic by Gary Larson

Very big shoutout to Professor Matthew Stoehr for your guidance and expertise!


Short Film-Harold and the Purple Crayon

